Garbage disposal on specialized sites using cars and containers of various capacities. Cleaning of premises and territories, dismantling work in apartments, offices, shops, on the suburban and gardens with subsequent exportation formed debris. The cost of this type of work ranges from 350 to 500 rubles for one hour of work for one loader (without VAT-20%), the minimum charge for 5 hours, with a weight of cargo units of no more than 50 kg per Porter, handyman or janitor. this price does not include the cost of transport and supplies.
Rules of garbage collection.
Standard garbage disposal: how it is done properly. On the territory of any settlement there are certain norms of garbage disposal. They can be different for different localities, but there are some generally accepted situation. How to export domestic and construction waste. Building and household rubbish can be disposed of in the following ways:
-in metal containers (musorosbornikah), if any;
-loading directly into a transport: it may be household waste, which are on the schedule, but most often transported construction debris;
-solid household refuse may be collected separately in small metal containers;
-in most of the populated areas of Russia are allowed to separate garbage collection by private transport.
Export in special containers
The use of special waste containers-the most common way of transporting the waste. It must comply with the rules governing the weight for transportation of containers of different capacities:
-Middle-tonnage- 5 ton;
-heavy duty applicable, calculated on 10-12 tons.
Containers should be loaded completely, but in terms of the carrying capacity. Before placing in a transport, they must be externally inspected for integrity and suitability for transportation. It is the responsibility of the sender of the goods, as well as the correct placement of garbage start locations with compulsory abandonment of free space.
If the container is not consistent with those rules, the shipper must stop using it.
Transportation without garbage
Building and household rubbish that needs no special transport conditions, usually is transported without the capacity, right in the back of the car.
The following rules take effect in garbage disposal:
-Open a closed canopy;
-unacceptable ingress of debris on the roadway during transportation;
building and household rubbish that is carried without the garbage containers must be strictly within the designated areas.
On their own
Sometimes domestic waste is transported by private transport. Most of the fee for accepting the waste at the landfill site is not levied from physical persons.
Refuse collection and organization
Debris-silently satellite of human existence. He shows up everywhere: in the kitchen, at a picnic near the water, in the construction or demolition of homes ... Which of these would not involve your business, one thing is clear-it always waste is generated, which sooner or later must be overcome.
In bright head managers firms sometimes fishbowl strange thought: "everything put together and take out to the nearest town from the ravine". Is this reasonable? Of course, not! Removal of waste products, anywhere promotes formation of dumps that have become the scourge of modern cities, particularly Moscow. Stench, poisoned soil and ground water, numerous rodents to symbolically bring luck, illness in the surrounding area-not all the consequences of the adoption of such careless decisions.
On the other hand, Moscow authorities tightly control the compliance with the requirements of industrial organizations for the collection, transportation and disposal of waste. For failure to comply with the requirements of "punish" ruble. The organization therefore refuse-collection and topical issue for all industries and organizations.
Do not remain on the sidelines and ordinary citizens of the towns. Property Department and management companies do not always do well with their responsibilities. Removal of SHW is irregular, which contributes to their flock in the immediate vicinity of residential development. Yes and lâzgan′e metal containers, machines, mechanisms, istočaemoe buzz of Ambergris, few people will like.
For each of the cities in the Russian Federation have their savings with TBT. For comfortable town house they make an average of 3.42 litres a day per person, and for businesses-from 1.5 to 4.1 liters per square meter.
Thus, the quantity of exported waste, as well as a combination of other factors (density and the level region, seasonality, etc.), you can select a mode musoroperevozok.
To date, each firm in Moscow, working in the transportation of waste, the proper organization of the collection and removal of debris from various objects. For our company it is not a problem. We provide a full range of services for the removal of solid waste and other waste in the territory of the specialized sites in Moscow and the Moscow region.
We have all the necessary equipment, a staff of experienced staff as well as the documentation necessary for the execution of works for the collection and removal of debris. Having trusted in us, you will save yourself from problems and get great service.
Calculation of the garbage disposal.
Often the garbage disposal is a serious enough problem that takes a lot of time. To not break each time his head over how to get rid of waste, should seek the assistance of professionals. They have fulfilled their commitments in a specified time frame, significantly saving your nerves and money.
In order to carry out the calculation of the garbage disposal specialists you should evaluate and estimate the costs associated with loading, movement and management. Despite the fact that all companies are indicative prices for services, the final cost may greatly differ from them. This is due to several factors.
You must first answer the question, what is the object (residential or industrial area)? Be sure to take into account, to be categorized as junk. It may be waste generated at the start of the repair work or during the preparation of the territory, appeared directly in the process of construction or at an advanced stage. A lot depends on the composition of debris (wood, concrete, metal, etc.). Also taken into account the possible costs to qualified movers and large machinery.
Calculation of the waste to a great extent depends on the distance between object and ground, which will be delivered to the trash. Fuel costs are always laid in total costs. If the goods are bulky to transport may need additional permission, that too increases costs.
It is said that the garbage disposal itself is preceded by a number of preparatory activities. This process requires not only adequate expertise and experience from the performers, but also of certain links in bureaucratic agencies. To quickly obtain the same permit for the transportation of bulky goods, for example.
How much does it cost for waste removal, depends on whether it is a single service or carried out on a permanent basis. In the second case, greatly saves time and money, that naturally into the hands of the customer. However, if it is drawn into the company for the first time, he'd better take the first option, to familiarize themselves with the performance of the firm. All the calculations related to the service shall be made on an individual basis and take into account these factors, as well as the requirements and wishes of the client.
Custom made machines for the removal of garbage
No matter if we live in a small quiet town or in a noisy metropolis, our existence is impossible without the accumulation of debris. Wrapping paper or plastic, glass containers, waste organic origin-it's all part of our life is so familiar, that sometimes we do not attach to this special value. After all, the daily amount of domestic waste produced by one person is not so great. And at the same time, the trash produced by mega-city one day, measured in tons.
Of course, many people are not interested in these numbers, until the problem of garbage disposal does not concern them personally. But we need only venture repair or re-planning, want to throw out your old bathroom fixtures, furniture or TV-we face a question: where should I put this old junk? How to deal with broken brick and chunks of plaster, old, rusty pipes and broken toilet bowl? In this case, the need for garbage disposal.
But even the presence of the required vehicle is not the solution, because you cannot take that kind of trash on their own since municipal solid waste recycling at special require special test sites licensed by Rosprirodnadzor.
Your problems associated with cleaning and disposing of large amounts of waste is our day-to-day work. We will help you not only to avoid a situation in which the apartment is in condition after turning into long term storage unnecessary cruft, but will relieve you of unnecessary garbage, optimally by reducing the harmful effects of recycling on the environment.
Our company has extensive experience in a professional cleaning waste products of human activity, because we deal with this is not the first year. No matter whether you need a machine for garbage collection only once, for cleaning after repair, or do you have a private construction company or production, requiring frequent and systematic removal of waste, we quickly and easily solve any problem related to the disposal of all kinds.
In addition to the removal of solid waste we also snow removal services in Moscow and the Moscow region. This is true for those cases when so-called high performance deicing materials, which are often used in winter to remove snow and ice, unable to remove the snow a lot of height, which can often exceed the meter. It is for these cases and necessary machine for removal of snow.
With our company your House, Office and adjoining territory will be clean and comfortable regardless of the season.